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February 12th 2013

Thank you for visiting the website located at (the "Website", "we", "us"). We provide this notice in an effort to explain our online information practices and the choices available to you concerning the way that we use the information collected online at this Website.

We collect your personally identifiable information when you sign up to receive products and/or services at the Website. We may also collect your personally identifiable information when you otherwise agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy at this Website, but do not complete the full registration process. The types of personally identifiable information that we may collect at this Website, during registration and when you make a purchase include, without limitation, your name, street address, e-mail address and telephone number. In addition, we may request information about your use of, or interest in, the types of products and services offered by the third-party advertisers with whom we have partnered to offer you the products and services available at this Website.

Any personal information that you submit at the Website remains your property. However, by submitting that information to us, you grant to us the right to use your personal information for any legal purpose including, without limitation:

a. effectuating a purchase from us that you make at the Website;
b. transferring your personal information to a third party to effectuate a purchase from a third party advertiser at the Website;
c. marketing purposes such as sharing your information with third party advertisers;
d. providing promotional offers to you by means of e-mail advertising, telemarketing, direct mail marketing, pop-ups, pop-unders and/or online banner advertising;
e. tracking compliance with our Terms and Conditions;
f. for validation, suppression, content improvement and feedback purposes.

You agree that we may contact you at any time with updates and/or any other information that we may deem appropriate for you to receive in connection with your continued use of the Website. We also reserve the right to release current or past member information in the event that we believe that this Website is being or has been used to commit unlawful acts, if the information is subpoenaed, if we are sold or acquired or when we otherwise deem it necessary or appropriate in our sole discretion.

In addition, you agree that by submitting your personal information at the Website, such act constitutes a purchase, an inquiry and/or an application for purposes of the Amended Telemarketing Sales Rule, 16 CFR §310 et seq. (the "ATSR"). Notwithstanding that your telephone number may be listed on the Federal Trade Commission's Do-Not-Call List, we retain the right to contact you via telemarketing in accordance with the ATSR. Moreover, by registering with, making a purchase from, or requesting information from, a third party advertiser at or through the Website, such action shall constitute a purchase, an inquiry and/or an application with the respective third party advertiser for purposes of the ATSR and you may be contacted via e-mail, direct mail and/or telephone by such third party advertiser in accordance with the ATSR.

We may share with third party advertisers certain Website usage information of individuals that have received targeted promotional campaigns for the purpose of formatting future campaigns and upgrading visitor information used in reporting statistics. For this purpose, we may track some of the pages that you visit on our Website through the use of pixel tags (also called clear gifs). By submitting information at and/or registering at this Website, you agree to allow us to share such Website usage information with third parties.

Third Party Links

We do not endorse, nor are we responsible for the accuracy of, the privacy policies and/or terms and conditions of each of the third party advertisers that may advertise at this Website. The entities that advertise and/or place banner ads at this Website including, but not limited to, these third party advertisers, are independent third parties and are not affiliated with us.

Your Choices

During registration and/or when you submit personally identifiable information to us at the Website, you have opted-in to request that we share your personal information with third parties to receive marketing communications. When contacted by any of these companies or third parties, you should notify them directly of your choices regarding their use and sharing of your information. To opt-out from receiving any additional email communications regarding this website, contact us.

Some of the services that we provide will result in sending an SMS, wireless or other mobile offering to your cell phone. By signing up, you are agreeing to receive these mobile offerings. You understand that your wireless carrier's standard rates apply to these messages. To unsubscribe or discontinue SMS messages, send "STOP", "END", "QUIT" to the SMS text message you have received. This process impacts only the future delivery of the particular SMS message offering, so you must send that message for each offering. This will not affect offerings sent on behalf of third parties.

SMS, Wireless and Other Mobile Offerings

Some of our services use SMS as a channel for live data transferring and different notifications connected with the work of this service. As being registered you agree to get such kind of SMS messages and also promotional SMS messages on the cell number you've entered while registration. You understand that your wireless carrier's rates may apply to these messages. If you would like to stop receiving our our services through SMS you can unsubscribe by sending "STOP", "END", "QUIT" to the SMS text message you have received.

Non-Personaly Identifiable Information

We may collect certain non-personally identifiable information about you when you visit many of the pages of this Website. This non-personally identifiable information includes, without limitation, the type of browser that you use (e.g., Netscape, Internet Explorer), your IP address, the type of operating system that you use (e.g., Windows or Mac OS) and the domain name of your Internet service provider (e.g., America Online, Earthlink).

We use the non-personally identifiable information that we collect to improve the design and content of our Website and to enable us to personalize your Internet experience. We also may use this information to analyze Website usage, as well as to offer you products and services. We also reserve the right to use aggregate or group data about our visitors for lawful purposes. Aggregate or group data is data that describes the demographics, usage and/or characteristics of our visitors as a group. By visiting and/or supplying your personal information at this Website, you agree to allow us to provide such data to third parties.

We also may use "cookies" to enhance your experience in using our Website. Cookies are text files that we place in your computer's browser to store your preferences. We use cookies to understand Website usage, to personalize your experience, and to improve the content and offerings on our Website.


We do not knowingly collect information from minors under the age of 18. No information should be submitted to, or posted at, this Website by individuals under 18 years of age. We encourage parents and guardians to spend time online with their children and to participate and monitor the interactive activities of their children.


We employ industry standard security measures designed to safeguard against unauthorized access to information that we collect online. However, we disclaim all liability for failures of our systems.

California Civil Code Section 1798.83 enables California residents who have provided PII to US, and/or to a third party who has then shared such information with US, to request information regarding our disclosure of such PII information to third parties. Within thirty days of receipt of such a request, we will provide a list of the PII disclosed to third parties for the past calendar year, along with the names and addresses of such third parties. This request may not be made more than once per calendar year. Should you wish to exercise your rights under this Section, please use the postal address listed below. We reserve the right not to honor and/or respond to such requests that are not sent to the address below.

GMB555 -
163 W 23rd Street, New York, NY 10011


By using the Website and/or agreeing to receive information via e-mail from us, you agree to this Privacy Policy. We reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to change, modify, add and/or remove portions of this Privacy Policy at any time. All Privacy Policy changes will take effect immediately upon their posting on the Website. Please check this page periodically for any changes. Your continued use of the Website and/or acceptance of our e-mail communications following the posting of changes to this Privacy Policy will constitute your acceptance of any and all changes.

Contact Us

If you have any questions regarding this statement, or would like more information on our privacy practices, please contact us.


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